Instructions for Re-heating Valentina’s Vacuum Sealed Ham, Turkey Breast, or Pork Loin
Instructions for Re-heating Valentina’s Vacuum Sealed Whole Brisket (6-7lbs) For best results, allow 3½ to 4 ½ hours total time to re-heat brisket. Re-heating in a hurry may dry out the meat.
Instructions for Re-heating Valentina’s Vacuum Sealed Smoked Ribs
Instructions for Re-heating Valentina’s Sides & Enchiladas
Instructions for Re-heating Valentina’s Turkey (Hen 10-12lbs)
For best results, allow 2 ½ to 3 hours total time to re-heat turkey. Re-heating in a hurry may dry out the meat.
Instructions for Re-heating Valentina’s Turkey (Tom 20-24lbs) For best results, allow 3½ to 6 hours total time to re-heat turkey. Re-heating in a hurry may dry out the meat.